Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Prestige

This is a movie trailer for "The Prestige"

So this is one of my more "current" favorite movie choices. It's full of action, intrigue, mystery, and head-spinning twists. And seriously, who doesn't want to listen to Christian Bale and Hugh Jackmon talk in British accents for two hours? “The Prestige” follows the endeavors of two best-friend magicians turned competitors after a horrible accident during one of their performances ends with a death. These young stage-magicians each devote their careers to destroying the other in a deadly game of “may the best magician win”. There is an endless amount of mystery and betrayal in the tactics of these two men and it is quite entertaining to follow, especially when the power of illusion is the weapon of choice. If you do see this movie, you will most certainly want to cheer for the protagonist, if you can only figure out who it is…Because you don't know who the protagonist is (between the two magicians) the viewer is forced to judge the motives of the characters prematurely and in this case, you will have a fully-formed opinion about who the protagonist is by the time you reach the movie's climax. But let's face it, any real attempt to figure out who it is will almost assuredly be in vain. So just keep that in mind while you're watching this film: whatever you think, you're probably wrong. But the biggest mystery of this movie comes from the revelation that both magicians are faced with: does real magic actually exist? And if so, who will uncover its secrets first? VERY entertaining. Highly recommended.


  1. Thanks for sharing Pay, it does, indeed, sound very interesting! I will have to look this up and watch it. Although, I am afraid that now, even if I am thinking the right thing I will believe that I am thinking the wrong thing so I will change my thinking to what is actually wrong. haha... Thank you for destroying my brain. :D

  2. Payton, I love this movie. The first time I watched it my mind was blown. I do not think I have ever watched a movie before or since The Prestige where I could not figure it out. I was so mother lovin' lost; it was great. :) This movie is very entertaining in both categories of action and a brain teaser. (Although it's more like a mind blower). Anyway, definite recommendation to watch this movie.

  3. Thanks for not spoiling it. After a review like that I would hate it if you told me what happened. I'm definitely going to check it out (along with the other movies you've talked about) whenever I can. You seem to watch a bunch of really interesting movies that I've never even heard of. At any rate, I'm sure your vague and confusing analysis parallels the movie in both greatness and oddity.
